Self Love : Fall In Love With The Person You Never Have Time For.

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At House Of Gharats, we embarked on a journey early this year “House Of Gharats In Love” to find and share more love. We shared our ideas about how to gift love and be wrapped in love. But enough about loving everyone else. Do you love yourself?

Pondering over Self-love

Self-love is gratitude. It’s appreciation, realisation, thankfulness and mindfulness of yourself. Who are you? What do you look like, and what are the things that drive you crazy? Where did you show that you love yourself? International Women’s Day is the perfect time to ponder over this idea and celebrate yourself, so how can you do it with spending a few mins every morning dressing? For example, putting on your favourite silk scarf or just smiling at yourself in the mirror.

Self Love
Self Love
The House Of Gharats tailored jacket and suit collection

Morning Routine, you say you never have time for

Our founder designer Neishaa Gharat is a huge advocate of this morning ritual. Even on a grey dreary morning seeing her at her house studio is delightful. Her favourite and easy to style ritual are, of course, wearing a beautiful silk scarf or neckerchief from her enviable personal collection. At House Of Gharats we believe, the ritual of everyday dressing is an important one. Research has shown that dressing well results in a surge of confidence-boosting chemicals. The adage “dress for the job you want, not the one you have” is a truism. You don’t have to break the bank or become a fashionista. Looking like you love yourself before you walk out the door whether to pick your kids off from school or even if you work from home. It will boost your self-esteem while having fun with yourself.

Society is big on self-love nowadays, and rightly so. We’re constantly faced with pressures about how we look, how we work and how we date. Battling through all of these pressures makes it extremely hard for us to remain ourselves. We lose ourselves while giving way under these pressures, and struggle to find the value in our natural, real selves.

Self Love
Self Love
The House Of Gharats tailored jacket and suit collection

Dress For The Self You Love

Society can also add pressure to how we dress. Some people flourish in fashion and wear the outfits they love. Others struggle to find the self-confidence to dress against the norm. What really are the barriers that we allow to limit our personal style? Style at defines us and not a fashion trend. Why do we allow these barriers to stop us? What’s really stopping us from dressing for the selves that we love, and not the ones that we don’t love? Even when we shop, we can end up treating ourselves to beautiful pieces that will stay with us for a lifetime. But how many times do these fabulous pieces stay in our wardrobes collecting dust, instead of complements?

Strip Off and Dress Up

A great place to start practising your own self-love rituals is to fall in love with your wardrobe again. Go and open those doors and pull out all of the pieces that excite you. Strip off, dress up and admire yourself in the mirror. Lock the door, put up a do not disturb sign and play around and discover new outfits that make you fall in love with yourself. Go a step further and dare yourself to wear your lovely clothes to work. Even if others don’t care or judge you. Embrace your fashion sense and wear it with pride; allow it to become a part of your identity. Especially on those days you feel stressed, let your outfit lift you up. Get excited to get dressed!

Self Love
Self Love
The House Of Gharats tailored jacket and suit collection

Daily Fashion Therapy

Those ten minutes in the morning you spend dressing yourself is the perfect time for self-love practices. Those ten minutes should feel like heaven. It should feel like a big pamper in your lovely wardrobe before your busy day. It should be your daily fashion therapy. The ten minutes spent in your haven of goods and garments should be a real self-care speciality to you. Enjoy it. Savour it. Spend time collating your outfit of the day. Take your time to dress so you know you will feel as good as you look, for every second you spend in it.

Free Yourself

In honour of International Women’s Day, take the time to celebrate yourself. Spend time to discover how you can build your own self-love and confidence. How can you embrace fashion to start a self-love revolution? How will your clothes help you to develop your own self-love habits? Will you spend longer choosing your outfit instead of scrolling through Instagram? Your clothes should be the expression of yourself that you want to present, the uniform that allows you to love yourself. Don’t be afraid to step outside of the norm, excite yourself by the freedom your clothes can give you.


Wordsmith: Chloe Mead

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