Celebrating World Ocean Day: Connecting Our Earth, Water and Body

To celebrate World Ocean Day, House of Gharats is diving deep into an innovative fibre which could revolutionise the materials we wear and how they affect our skin. We are working with sustainable fibre company SmartFibreAG for our new Blue Fashion Scarf and Sleep Collection. Our silk, powered by their new SeaCellTM fibre, is created using sustainably harvested seaweed.

At House of Gharats, we recognise the fundamental importance of water for the world. Our skin, brain and heart contain over 60% water each. Similarly, over 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, making it a key part of our ecosystem. Our oceans provide a home for millions of species of underwater wildlife which are essential for building a healthy and safe world, both on land and underwater. In our new collection, our goal is to actively contribute towards the development of the Blue Economy, a movement which promotes the protection of our oceans and its resources, in order to create a more sustainable world.

We Are Water

Ocean plants are a vitally important global resource as they have healing powers for both humans and the Earth. Seaweed produces the majority of the oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere and can help us fight against environmental issues, such as rising sea levels and global warming. The ocean cultivates a unique agricultural environment which enriches these plants with essential elements and minerals, giving seaweed immense nutritional value which can improve our health and wellness.

Like the Earth, our skin, brain and heart are predominantly made up of water. House of Gharats believes that our bodies need to be treated with the same care as our marine ecosystems, in order to protect the ocean inside of us. A marine resource which can help us do that is seaweed. As a nutritious skin care ingredient, its unique blend of vitamins can help activate cell regeneration, relieve skin diseases, reduce inflammation and soothe itchiness. Seaweed possesses unique healing powers for both us and the ocean, building a connection between our bodies and nature.


We Are The Future 

We need innovative fibres, such as those created by SmartFibreAG, to combat the environmentally detrimental impact of fast fashion on oceans. The fashion industry has become obsessed with replicating trends and using low quality materials in order make their products cheaper. These materials are made up of plastic microfibers which pollute and clog up our oceans, killing millions of marine plants and animals every year.

SmartFibreAG offers a more environmentally friendly method of production and is an important example of sustainable aquaculture. For our new collection, we are using their newly developed material SeaCellTM, made from sustainably sourced seaweed and wood. Harvested in the cold and pure fjords of Iceland, crops are gently harvested from naturally grown, regenerative seaweed fields. When the seaweed is collected, it is carefully dried, crushed and ground so that the beneficial properties of the seaweed are permanently preserved in the fibre.

House of Gharats is creating the Blue Fashion Scarf and Sleepwear Collection with wellness and sustainability at the heart of the project. The collection, consisting of regenerative silk scarves and sleep wear, harnesses the unique health qualities of seaweed. The natural moisture levels of our skin enables us to absorb its beneficial substances, creating a feeling of relaxation and wellness. Throughout our projects, we are seeking to unite luxury with sustainability in order to change the current fashion landscape and promote a lifestyle centred around the mind and the body.


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